

We love your feedback and the Back to Church Sunday stories you shared – below are just a few examples. If you would like to have your story included, please email us at [email protected]

Back to Church Sunday is the only “national” event we plug into and want to be part of our culture. it’s one of the biggest events we do each year! The Shepherd’s Fellowships, OH

It (BTCS) fits with the time we are living in and it is time for the Church to get back to being the Church.

Northside Baptist Church, GA

(Back to Church Sunday) is an excellent opportunity for our church family to engage friends and co-workers about their faith. Hopefully that specific practice will grow to be more of a lifestyle, but until then special events provide a focal point to encournage it.

Lakeview Chapel, NY

Back to Church Sunday has served us well notably in attendance but in helping mobilize our people to see the importance of inviting others to church!

First Baptist Church, OK

After seeing about 40% of our pre-COVID attendnace come back after we re-opened. We had an amazing turnout and service this morning for Back To Church Sunday. For the first time in over six months, things felt more normal today. We dfinitely needed that!

David Comer

We appreciate all your hard work in making this eent happen. Resources an dinformation we spot on this year. We can’t wait to prepare for nest year’s (event).

Trinity Couthern Baprist Church, KY

The theme of humanity’s return to God is one of the most prominent in the Scripture. God called for Israel to return to him through repentance throughout the nation’s history. This return took on new meaning when the people returned from exile back to the promised land. We have an opportunity to add meaning to our need to return during this upcoming “Back to Church Sunday”… This moment grants us a chance to experience God in new and profound ways in and through our fellowship….

Pastor Ralph West Church Without Walls

I love serving at People’s Church with my young adults in PCKids!

People's Church of Indianapolis