National Back to Church Sunday Frequently Asked Questions:

When is Back to Church Sunday?

Answer: Back to Church Sunday is always celebrated on the third Sunday of September each year in the US.

Do I have to hold my Back to Church Sunday service on the national date?

Answer: You may host your event any day that works for you – although there is momentum and excitement around churches participating on the same day, you are free to have it on a day that works best
for your church.

How many weeks does it take to plan a Back to Church event?

Answer: We recommend starting your planning six weeks in advance. If you find that you are running short on time you will want to make sure that your event is successful by placing your order for custom postcards 4 weeks in advance or select DIY resources 3 weeks out and then you’ll have the advantage of the pre-event hype the two weeks preceding the September event.

How can I get the tools I need to host a Back to Church Sunday campaign at my church?

Answer: At Back to Church Sunday we offer church resources to help you get started. The more you prepare the greater results you’ll have and the Church Kit will help you start planning Back to Church Sunday. The kit contains a campaign planning guide, sermon outline, social media graphics and videos. Visit the store.

We have weekend services. How can we apply Back to Church Sunday to Saturday?

Answer: Every year, the Back to Church team works to ensure that we provide church leaders with a variety of resources and options to choose from when planning their event. Some churches may choose to use the National Back to Church Sunday name for their event, while others may choose to use the year’s theme.

The choice is yours. Most of the invitations, banners and other resources offered can be customized to fit your church, so if you choose to host a National Back to Church Weekend, you can change the text to say this, or remove the Back to Church Sunday logo entirely.

How do I set-up a Back to Church Facebook page for my church?

Answer: First, you will need to create a personal Facebook account and then set up a business page.
Once you have set up your church page just follow the steps on Facebook to upload images and information about
your church. Once you have your page setup you will be able to post information about how your church is involved
with Back to Church Sunday by creating an event.

How do I follow-up with visitors who attend on Back to Church Sunday?

Answer: This year’s Church Kit includes two follow up sermons so you can invite guests to come back for the next two weeks to complete the series, thereby creating a habit of attending church each week. 

In addition to keeping guests engaged on Sundays, we recommend that during your series you also launch small groups or a beginner Bible study program where new people can get plugged in and connected with other people in a real and authentic way.

From where are the statistics used for Back to Church Sunday acquired?

Answer: Back to Church Sunday partners with Lifeway Research. Lifeway provides research for church leaders. LifeWay Research uses proven methods of sampling that ensure that the various audiences they frequently describe reflect their population. When they utilize “panels” (individuals who have agreed to participate in surveys), they have ensured that the invitation to participate in the panel has previously been extended to all or a randomly selected subset of the population they are seeking to survey. Surveys conducted by phone or mail are conducted with random samples selected at the time of the survey. For more information visit Lifeway Research.

Who sees my church listing on the map?

Answer: As a participating Back to Church Sunday church, your church information will be added to the website where seekers from across the country can look for a friendly, welcoming church in their area.

Our church is meeting both in-person and online. Can we adapt Back to Church Sunday for hybrid churches like ours?

Answer – You are not alone! Many churches have a variety of meeting options for the community and we have tailored the Back to Church Sunday kit and resources to work with all types of services. The Hope is Here Church Kit offers many graphics and videos that can be used online to build momentum prior to the day of the event. The Sunday service should be streamed as normal but we would encourage you to offer a focused followup with any new attendees who might be first time ‘visitors’. For more help, click here to download this helpful PDF guide or watch this webinar.